I also warn you I am quite the experimenter. Baking is supposed to be fun and simple so by mingling around with the ingredients I have on hand I'm able to keep it that way. That's pretty much the excuse I've concocted that can explain and justify why going to the store to buy the proper ingredients is so strenuous and problematic for someone like myself. It seems like a hassle when I don't want to change out of my toothpaste stained pajamas or drive those daunting five blocks. I'm just that lazy.
Hopefully I can update every week with pictures. I will post whatever I bake so check often! I'll probably throw in some random bits about my personal life too when I either feel like ranting or something so interesting occurs that I feel compelled to write about it to the internet. With each new post there'll be more insight and something new to learn about me. This blog is in addition another means for me to procrastinate on studying and other things that I could be completing in a timely matter.
Just a reminder, I bake in small quantities, so my measurements may look odd. I usually make only one dozen or half a dozen of something. It's just the way I roll. Just relax and enjoy the pictures and recipes...