Friday, February 3, 2012

Snow Day:)

When life gives you a snow day, you make CAKE!
The first thing I saw this morning. My face = ^o^
The wishing and hoping, the praying and dreaming for the first snow day of the year paid off! Quite honestly though, I probably wouldn't have had stepped outside into the snow even if there was class today. Heck, the whole state should have shut down. Who in their right minds would want to go into the wind and snow?
I sprinkled the top with a bit of sanding sugar for a little sparkle!
I must admit that indeed it is was pretty outside this morning and throughout the afternoon. Beautiful snowflakes clinging onto the window as the wind swirled the rest of the snow throughout the air. Still, I wouldn't go outside into the winter wonderland. Instead, I slaved over the oven to make an ombre cake! I contemplated the color for a while. One sister wanted pink, the other purple, and I wanted blue... The difficulties of opinions!
I went ahead and took another go at the Magnolia vanilla cupcake recipe. Past experience has led to dense, dry, flavorless cake. This time I used the last of my cake flour and I do believe that resulted in success. The cake is moist and fluffy! I'm embarrassed to even say I disregarded this recipe!
Ooooo! I LOVE the hues of purple<3
Excessive use of food coloring disturbs me, and yet I think there's a level of whimsical appeal that you can only achieve with well, red-90 or yellow-06 dye. The cake is a lovely gradient of purple, but my finger tips are stained blue and red. My thumb looks like I have frost bite because it's so blue. However, that would never be the case because let's stress again that I'm not going into the blizzard. Next time I play with coloring, I will wear gloves!

Nothing too experimental here today. Check out the Magnolia Vanilla Cake recipe here (you may want to substitute all the flour with cake flour instead), and the tasty vanilla buttercream here. Enjoy! And for those who were fortunate enough to bum around like me today because of the blanket of snow, let's raise our glasses of hot cocoa and relax for the rest of the weekend. 


  1. This is such a pretty cake! Love the elegance of the colours and decoration.

  2. The most beautiful rainbow-ish cake ever!

  3. Thank you for the comments! I'm glad you enjoyed my pictures!

  4. Hi! You're a pretty talented baker. I love the gradual layers of purple. I'm 15 so I am kinda close to your age. I also love to bake like you and have a blog about it but I'm not that good as you :)

    1. Aww, thank you! I checked out your blog, and you are pretty talented yourself. Happy baking:)

    2. Hehe..thanks for checking my blog out. I just started blogging anyway so I'm trying to update it whenever I can (studies and school holding me back). I'm still a beginner in the decorating and more professional baking world so I think your creations and skills are pretty good for a 16 year old girl. Oh and I love your blog too and I will be a visiting regularly! :)

  5. This looks amazing! How did you get those colours - did you use gel food colouring?

    1. I actually just used a rough ratio of 2:1 of red and blue liquid food coloring. The cheap store brand one I bought was quite concentrated surprisingly, but nonetheless I still had to use a lot for the darkest tier. I wish I had some gel food coloring on had though!

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  7. Where did you learn that rose technique?

    1. I've just seen pictures of cakes with a rose pattern, so I copied it. I basically used a star tip and swirled circles onto a frosted cake. Hope that helps!

  8. I want those purple layers for my wedding cake!! What did you use for the frosting and filling?? LOVE IT!

    1. Thank you! The frosting is a vanilla swiss meringue buttercream. The filling is a cream cheese frosting.

  9. Hi! I love how this cake looks so much. You are very talented! Can you explain to me in detail how you got those lovely shades of purple? 2:1 red and blue frosting on each layer? I reallyyy want to try this!

    1. Thanks! Well for the lightest layer, I believe I did 2 drops of red, 1 drop of blue. The proceeding layer did 4 drops of red, and 2 drops of blue. For each darker layer, increase the food coloring by a factor of two. I however do recommend using gel food coloring if you can get your hands on it. It doesn't mess with the cake texture and it's more vibrant.

  10. Beautiful cake!! Ur a great inspiration, keep up tge good work. You will success in life keep positive and move ahead of other.

  11. Omg, you're 16? I'm turning 16 in September and am JUST getting into baking. For your age, you're amazing- well, period! You make me want to practice harder. How did you get started, baking that is?

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